minecraft entity list (pocket edition)

Minecraft Entity List (Pocket Edition)

In Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE), each entity has a unique entity value assigned to it. These entity values are used in /summon commands.

Traditionally an entity is a mob which is a living creature that moves around in the game. This is true in most cases. However, there are a handful of entities that are items such as an arrow or a lead.

Here is an interactive list of all entities in the latest version of Minecraft Pocket Edition.

(Enter a value in the field above to find entities in the table below)

Entity Description
(Minecraft Entity Value)
allay Allay
armor stand Armor stand
arrow Arrow
axolotl Axolotl
bat Bat
bee Bee
blaze Blaze
boat Boat
camel Camel
cat Cat
cave spider Cave spider
oak boat with chest Boat with chest
minecart with chest Minecart with chest
chicken Chicken
cod Cod
minecart with command block Minecart with Command Block
cow Cow
creeper Creeper
dolphin Dolphin
donkey Donkey
drowned Drowned
thrown egg Thrown egg
elder guardian Elder guardian
elder guardian Ghost of an Elder guardian
ender crystal End crystal
ender dragon Ender dragon
enderman Enderman
endermite Endermite
evocation fangs Evocation fang
evoker Evoker
firework rocket Firework rocket
fox Fox
frog Frog
ghast Ghast
glow squid Glow Squid
goat Goat
guardian Guardian
hoglin Hoglin
arrow Minecart with hopper
horse Horse
husk Husk
iron golem Iron Golem
lead Lead
lightning bolt Lightning bolt
llama Llama
magma cube Magma cube
minecart rideable Minecart
mooshroom Mooshroom
mule Mule
npc NPC
ocelot Ocelot
panda Panda
parrot Parrot
phantom Phantom
pig Pig
piglin Piglin
piglin brute Piglin Brute
pillager Pillager
polar bear Polar Bear
pufferfish Pufferfish
rabbit Rabbit
ravager Ravager
salmon Salmon
sheep Sheep
shulker Shulker
silverfish Silverfish
skeleton Skeleton
skeleton horse Skeleton horse
slime Slime
sniffer Sniffer
snow man Snow man or snow golem
snowball Snowball
spider Spider
thrown potion Thrown splash potion
squid Squid
stray Stray
strider Strider
tadpole Tadpole
tnt TNT
arrow Minecart with TNT
trader llama Trader Llama
tropical fish Tropical Fish
turtle Turtle
vex Vex
villager Villager
vindicator Vindicator
wandering trader Wandering Trader
warden Warden
witch Witch
wither boss Wither boss
wither skeleton Wither skeleton
wolf Wolf
thrown experience bottle Thrown experience bottle
experience Experience orb
zoglin Zoglin
zombie Zombie
zombie horse Zombie Horse
zombie pigman Zombie Pigman
zombie villager Zombie villager

Example of how to use an Entity Value in /summon command

The entity value comes in handy when you want to summon an entity such as a creeper, zombie or horse.

For example, you use the entity value of horse in the /summon command when you want to summon a horse.

/summon horse