Abandoned Mineshaft in Minecraft

This Minecraft tutorial explains all about Abandoned Mineshafts with screenshots.

Where to Find an Abandoned Mineshaft

In Minecraft, an abandoned mineshaft is a structure that spawns naturally in the game. It looks like a series of mining tunnels that can be found underground in nearly every Overworld biome.

plains biome

mountains biome

desert biome

forest biome

ice plains biome

savanna biome

taiga biome

jungle biome

Here is a picture of what an abandoned mineshaft looks like in Spectator mode with Night Vision:

mineshaft in gamemode spectator

An abandoned mineshaft is made up of a series of mining tunnels with rails, oak planks, cobwebs, and stone. These mineshafts will usually connect to other cave systems.

TIP: Try using the /locate command to quickly find an abandoned mineshaft!

Inside an Abandoned Mineshaft

Inside the abandoned mineshaft, you will find many tunnels and corridors to explore. Look for a tunnel that contains a minecart with a chest in it.

chest in abandoned mineshaft

If you open this chest, you might find items like lapis lazuli, iron ingot, bread, rails, melon seeds, and an iron pickaxe.

Sometimes, dungeons can be found in abandoned mineshafts. They appear as a small room with a monster spawner in the center and 1 or 2 chests (sometimes a double chest) filled with valuable items. The walls and floor of the dungeon are made of cobblestone and mossy cobblestone.

dungeon in abandoned mineshaft

Again, look inside the chest to see what goodies you can find! You might find a music disc, coal, gunpowder, redstone, string, and melon seeds.

Abandoned Mineshaft Seeds

You can use a seed to create a world where you spawn near an Abandoned Mineshaft: