structure list (pocket edition)

Structure List (Pocket Edition)

In Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE), each structure has a Minecraft ID assigned to it. Structures exist in one of three dimensions (Overworld, Nether, or End). You can find specific structures in the game using the /locate command.

Here is an interactive list of the Minecraft IDs for all structures in Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE).

(Enter a value in the field above to find structures in the table below)

Minecraft ID Dimension Description of Structure
ancient_city Overworld Nearest Ancient City
bastion_remnant Nether Nearest Bastion Remnant
buried_treasure Overworld Nearest Buried Treasure
end_city End Nearest End City
fortress Nether Nearest Nether Fortress
mansion Overworld Nearest Woodland Mansion
mineshaft Overworld Nearest Abandoned Mineshaft
monument Overworld Nearest Ocean Monument
pillager_outpost Overworld Nearest Pillager Outpost
ruined_portal Overworld or Nether Nearest Ruined Portal
ruins Overworld Nearest Ocean Ruin
shipwreck Overworld Nearest Shipwreck
stronghold Overworld Nearest Stronghold
temple Overworld Nearest Jungle Temple, Pyramid, Witch Hut, Igloo
trail_ruins Overworld Nearest Trail Ruins
village Overworld Nearest Village

Example of how to use a Minecraft ID for a Structure

You will need to know the Minecraft ID for a structure when using the /locate command.

For example, you use the Minecraft ID called ancient_city in the /locate command when you want to find the coordinates of the closest Ancient City in your Minecraft world:

/locate structure ancient_city

Other Structure Lists